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Consultancy, Project & Interim
Are you ready to turn the challenges of the past few years into the opportunties of 2023?
Do you need expert support to:
- Capture and act upon corporate learning from enforced remote working?
- Upgrade policies and practices for hybrid working?
- Build a corporate culture that supports wellbeing, inclusion and balanced working for all employees?
Can I help?
I have over 25 years expertise working with clients to upgrade flexible and remote working practices; improve wellbeing and work-life balance; and create inclusive workplaces that support women’s career progression. In 2023 I’m ready to partner with you and your organisation as you build back better from the disruptions of the past few years.
I’m comfortable working on both strategic and operational issues. This year let’s work together, build on your existing successes and transform your business into a world class organisation that fully embraces balanced working, wellbeing and inclusion.
The challenge in 2020 was to quickly set up homeworking for employees. The challenge now is to build on lessons learnt to create policies and working practices that fully serve our 21st century lives.
This requires a rethink of both how and where work is carried out; and even how jobs are structured.
If you’re ready to rise to the challenge please get in touch to discuss how I can support you.

Supporting employee wellbeing became a top priority for many HR teams during 2020. Maintaining a work-life balance continues to be difficult for people, whether they’re juggling work and caring or living alone and finding it hard to disconnect from technology.
If you’re looking for ways to upgrade your support the following may be of interest to you.
Employee workshops
Based on my book I offer a series of short workshops to support employees in managing the key challenges around flexible and remote working. Topics include:
- Regaining Balance: simple strategies to understand why you’re struggling with your work life balance and how to remedy the situation.
- How to redesign your job for balanced working: for managers and staff who want to work more effectively in the new hybrid environment.
- Negotiating a flexible arrangement that suits you and your boss.
- Job Redesign: The crucial HR skill
Workshops can be tailored for specific needs; and are also suitable for parent’s and women’s network events.
For more information download the brochure here.
Career clarity one day workshop
There’s now considerable evidence to suggest your female talent may be holding themselves back because of work life balance concerns. This new workshop is designed to support them.
For more information download the brochure here.
"The understanding of our requirements was very high and our needs were addressed accordingly. The quality again was a very high standard - advice was relevant and concise to business needs. We acheived a lot in the time allocated."
Read more client testimonials here.
Are you ready to be a world class work-life balance employer?
Imagine an organisation where:
Employees feel able to bring their whole selves to work.
People recognise the benefits of good work-life balance and support each other to achieve it.
Work is seen as something you do, not somewhere you go.
Success is measured by the outputs you produce, not the number of hours you spend in the office.
Customized jobs enable agile working and the retention of key talent.
Consider the benefits:
- Mounting research evidence has confirmed that good work-life balance increases job satisfaction, improves workplace performance, strengthens organisational commitment and results in better physical and mental health.
- Balanced working is increasingly recognised as the heart of sustainable organisations; and as underpinning corporate sustainability strategies.
- Reorganising for better balance by moving towards a results oriented work environment enables a clearer definition of expected outputs/results and an opportunity to modernise (or eradicate) entrenched but unproductive working practices.
- Introducing a change programme under the work-life balance banner is likely to be well received; and to foster flexible and co-operative thinking - essential qualities for an Agile Workforce.
Let's work together, build on your existing successes and transform your organisation into a world class work-life balance employer.
Balanced Working is Sustainable Working